
2018-2022: The University of Texas at Dallas, School of Arts, Technology, and Emerging Communication Graduate Fellowship.

2019-2021: The Humanities, Arts, Science, and Technology Alliance and Collaboratory (HASTAC) Scholars Fellowship.

Grants and Awards

2022: Dean of Graduate Education Dissertation Research Award 2022, The University of Texas at Dallas. Amount: $2420.

2021-2022: Ph.D. Research Small Grants, The Office of Graduate Education, The University of Texas at Dallas. Amount: $500.

2021-2022: Critical Media Studies Area Grant, School of Arts, Technology, and Emerging Communication, The University of Texas at Dallas. Amount: $500.

2019-2021: Betty and Gifford Johnson Graduate Travel Grants, The University of Texas at Dallas. Successfully awarded this grant for conference travel each year.

2020: Graduate Student Travel Grant, Queer and Trans Caucus, Society for Cinema and Media Studies. Amount: $100.

2020: Graduate Student Travel Grant, Fan and Audience Studies SIG, Society for Cinema and Media Studies. Amount: $100.